by truecreative | May 24, 2023 | Musings
I woke up one morning and my face was gone! Despite my sleep-filled eyes, I could see that the face that looked back at me from the bedroom mirror wasn’t mine. I live alone. So, if the face that looked back at me wasn’t mine, then whose was it? And where...
by truecreative | Feb 4, 2021 | Musings
I first came upon the concept of freedom in the years just before World War II, while attending primary school in New York City. Before that time, I roamed about testing my boundaries by simply acting upon my impulsive wishes and desires – stretching them to their...
by truecreative | Sep 30, 2020 | Musings
A long time ago, perhaps it was 1938, in that other world called “childhood,” I had a doll – a Princess Elizabeth doll. My Princess Elizabeth doll had blonde hair like me. She started out with brown eyes, but my mother had them painted blue so that Princess...
by truecreative | Sep 29, 2020 | Musings
“God willing, I pray we may grow old together.” A wish for a lifetime. But, be careful what you wish for. If we live as a couple for what seems a lifetime, through that time together we move down winding passages, from the initial delight of the romantic...
by truecreative | Sep 23, 2020 | Musings
Some memories disappear with time, others are distorted by time, and others remain imbedded in our mind in their original form, appearing at their own whim. That’s how my memory of the pickle man first functioned. With no directive on my part, it appeared and...
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