My Life
An Abridged Version
As with most lives, mine has been filled with joy and sorrow. I have won some and lost some. For the most part, the adventure has been a joyful one.
I have traveled the world. For a while, I lived in the Far East. I have worked in many professional arenas where, at the time, I was considered an oddity because of my gender. I have experienced great personal loss.
Through it all, I have looked at life as a mystery and an adventure. Life is a mystery because all is never anticipated or known. Life is an adventure because mysteries beg to be solved. Who can resist the challenge?

“Life is made up of discovery and romance. Discovery informs; romance embellishes.” — Lynn Rosen
A Man of Genius
The contemporary literary landscape is littered with unreliable narrators. Yet none may have a more compelling and complex story to tell than Arthur Dolinger, through whose voice A Man of Genius [April 2016] – the stunning debut novel from octogenarian author Lynn Rosen – is told.
Centered on Samuel Grafton-Hall — a 20th Century architect whose work is brilliant and revered while he stands above the fray, unrepentant for his peccadilloes and perversions — A Man of Genius immerses its reader in his glamorous lionizing world. As Dolinger, Grafton-Hall’s lawyer and executor, attempts to piece together an extraordinary mystery prompted by a strange codicil in the architect’s will, readers are swept into the mind and misdeeds of a man of genius who revels in his cynicism and disdain, and leaves colleagues, lovers, and friends deeply scarred for knowing him.
Then there is the murder. Could the question of who committed the murder — and who died — be of less consequence than the question of whether the mark of genius justifies forbearance?
“A Man of Genius deals with the questions that surround memory – its validity, application, and our reliance on it,” states Rosen. “But beyond the level of its plot, it examines the reader’s own system of moral obligation.”
Full of breathtaking imagery, doomed affairs, and questions for which there are few uncomplicated answers, A Man of Genius is an evocative and suspenseful look at a life of glittering achievement and unrestrained hubris. A dazzling work of fiction from an exciting new voice, Rosen’s debut is a not-to-be-missed addition to the bookcases of fans of Agatha Christie, Daphne DuMaurier, and Gillian Flynn.

What People Are Saying
As John Ruskin said:
“All books are divisible into two classes, the books of the hour, and the books of all time.”
Slow but lovingly crafted and complex; a nightstand book for lovers of Wuthering Heights and Bleak House.”
‘. . . a wonderful story reminiscent of Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca . . . Rosen is a masterful storyteller, grabbing the reader’s attention by the end of the prologue, then slowly revealing the story out of chronological order and in distinct stages, making this novel difficult to
put aside until its suspenseful conclusion.” 5 Stars
“Rosen creates a remarkable and refreshing suspense thriller in A Man of Genius, her debut novel.”
“…reminiscent of Daphne du Maurier and Emily Brontë with its evocative literary quality. . . . a lyrical contemporary novel with Gothic elements addressing themes of morality, memory, guilt, and hubris while providing unremitting suspense for the reader.”
“It is definitely a book to read multiple times . . . Lynn Rosen presents a brilliant novel with a complex moral and personal issues at the center. It includes characters, scope, and voice that make you forget this is a literary debut. Definite must-read for thoughtful fans of literary fiction and for book clubs!”
Musing is the vehicle that evokes memories and burnishes them with tones of today.
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Can You Imagine…
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